Most loved and hated programming languages in 2019

Hired lists the most loved and hated programming languages in 2019

Job website Hired on Thursday released the 2019 State of Software Engineers report that gives an insight about developer’s most loved and hated programming languages. The findings were collected and analyzed after surveying more than 98,000 developers on various topics.

For those unaware, Hired ( is a marketplace that matches tech talent with the world’s most innovative companies. Hired combines intelligent job matching with unbiased career counseling to help people find a job they love. Through Hired, job candidates and companies have transparency into salary offers, competing opportunities and job details.

Developers’ Most Loved (and Hated) Coding Languages

According to the survey, Python (51%) took the top position as the most loved programming language. It was followed by JavaScript (49%) at the second position, Java (37%) at third place, HTML (34%) at fourth position and C++ (23%) at fifth place.

When asked what make developers come back to a given programming language, 74% cited resources for development as one of the top reasons they love their programming language, while 58% said that community tone and willingness to welcome newcomers.

On the other hand, developers voted PHP (19%) as the most hated programming language at the top spot, which was followed by Java (12%) at the second place, and Objective-C in third place with 11%.

When asked the biggest reason for disliking a given programming language, 49% developers answered that it was because the language wasn’t fun to program in.

Most In-Demand Job Roles And Salaries Offered

According to data from Hired’s marketplace, global demand for developers and engineers with blockchain skills has seen a 517% increase year over year.

“There was an explosion of demand in the past 12 months for developers with blockchain skills and we expect demand to continue growing as businesses begin implementing their countless use cases, from digital identity and smart contracts to workforce management and distributed data storage,” the report stated.

Further, company demand for security engineers has increased by 132% over the past 12 months. Also, the demand for embedded engineers was at 76%.

As demand for engineering talent increases, so do salaries. According to Hired’s analysis of large tech hubs, blockchain engineers are among the top three highest paid jobs. Blockchain engineers earn an average of $155,000 in the San Francisco Bay Area and an average of $89,000 in London.

Other high-paying positions in the Bay Area include search engineer ($157,000), security engineer ($156,000), natural language processing engineer ($155,000), machine learning engineer ($153,00), and data engineer ($151,000).

2 thoughts on “Most loved and hated programming languages in 2019”

  1. Lies! C# didn’t even make the cut. And HTML shouldn’t be on the list at all. Maybe the Author needs to cite her sources.


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